We Are All Treaty People
"We are all Treaty 6 people.  We are First Nations.  We are people who are welcomed to live here. We know that we share the land.  We respect those who were here first.  We will live together with love."

As part of the Anglican Church of Canada, St. Thomas is committed to participating with care and humility in the long journey of healing and reconciliation. We acknowledge our colonial roots and the violence done to Indigenous peoples through damaging racist policies and practices, and the ongoing generational trauma and suffering. 

The chokecherry tree in our front yard is one of fifty dedicated in 2014 and planted at every church in the Diocese of Edmonton as a sign of our commitment to listening, learning, and working for racial justice. 

The medicine wheel stands as a permanent witness of our commitment to learn to walk well on this land and with its first people. Creator is active and present here from long before our ancestors arrived.

Diocese of Edmonton Indigenous Ministries